research methods and time bank/3072 107 - 2

This core of the course is helping you to plan, conduct, present and write your own research paper. You will be much more informed about scientific writing and knowledge as well as improve in your critical thinking. In order to do this, this class has two components. First (3 units) is a series....


專案名稱 : research methods and time bank/3072
執行單位 : 國際學院 / 國經學程
服務時間 : 開始日期 : 2019-02-18 ~ 結束日期 : 2019-06-22
服務場域 : 臺中市
參與人數 : 7 人

負責人 : 蔡亞平 教授
學生助理 : 陳雅琇
校內分機 : 04-2359-0121 ~ 28513
服務類別 : 服務學習課程
服務屬性 : 教育輔導
服務對象 : 一般民眾

西元年度--> ----- 母計畫-->第一期-高教深耕計畫

專案簡介 :

This core of the course is helping you to plan, conduct, present and write your own research paper. You will be much more informed about scientific writing and knowledge as well as improve in your critical thinking. In order to do this, this class has two components. First (3 units) is a series of lectures, class discussions, group activities and demonstrations based on the required textbook designed to illustrate what makes sound social science research. Second (2 units) is working with you through more "hands-on" applied research on Time Bank. I will work closely with you from draft to revisions to improve your overall writing skills and analytical thinking. I believe students learn best through doing. Thus, as much as possible, this will be an experiential course. Students engaged in a comprehensive overview of both quantitative and qualitative research methods used in social science research, along with an understanding of the ethical considerations and other challenges involved in good research design. Students also engage in an original research project on Time Bank and Social Exchange. Lastly, they learn to write utilizing a professional set scientific standard

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