專案名稱 : 英語教學:聽障學童英語口語教學/0156
執行單位 : 文學院 / 外文系
服務時間 : 開始日期 : 2023-02-13 ~ 結束日期 : 2023-06-17
服務場域 : 臺中市
參與人數 : 人
負責人 : 郭士行 講師
學生助理 : 柯玉玲
校內分機 : 04-2359-0121 ~
服務類別 : 服務學習課程
服務屬性 : 教育輔導
服務對象 : 兒童青少年 身心障礙
西元年度--> ----- 母計畫-->第二期-高教深耕計畫
專案簡介 :
This basic course on Teaching Hearing Impaired Children Spoken English is an attempt to present the information necessary for helping hearing-impaired children to develop spoken English. The course will provide insights into the processes involved in fostering the acquisition of spoken English by hearing-impaired children and introduce specific techniques for teaching in one on one and small class situations.
課程目標及內涵 (Course Objectives and Contents)
a. Give students a more advanced understanding of audiology structure and process
b. Give students a more advanced understanding of language development in childhood.
c. Develop students’ understanding of audio-verbal therapy
d. Develop students’ understanding of speech reception in general and speech reception in the hearing impaired more specifically.
e. Offer some opportunities to observe real classroom situations in teaching hearing impaired children.
f. Offer some opportunities to explore a new potential career path.
成果報告 :